Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Adam Lambert Confess He Gay

Los Angeles: the second American Idol Champion, Adam Lambert, clarification about his sexual orientation through an interview in Rolling Stone magazine. He admitted that himself is a homo sexual.

According to Lambert, the person should have previously suspected that he was a gay. He has confessed to be gay since eight years ago. Although now a teen idol United States, Lambert remains proud and not feel like one when he was the type of fellow.

In addition, Lambert also admitted that he was the main rival in the singing contest American Idol has now achieved the first juata, Kris Allen. Lambert said that Allen is the type of men who love him for this. "Unfortunately he was already married," said Lambert.

Although he said that like men, Lambert still feel happy when the teenage girls who cried mengidolakannya to reveal their love.

DreamWorks Select Masi Oka

DreamWorks chose the Heroes Masi Oka in the film project The Defenders. Movie director is D. J. Caruso, Gary Whitta as screenwriter and producer by Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci.

Narrate this film a group of young people from various parts of the world that are involved in the multiplayer video game. One of them was not aware that it is in the game. They become a real adventure in the army and become a hero who is less cautious.

Oka will this week launch the image Heroes last session, where he plays as Hiro. "I love Heroes, but there is something new that I get in this film that I did not get in the film Heroes," he said.

DreamWorks will also create a video game in accordance with The Defenders film.

Kirsten Dunst in Spiderman 4 Joined

Hollywood: Kirsten Dunst will return berakting as Mary Jane Watson in the film Spiderman 4. This is film producer Todd Black to the daily New York Post. According to the plan, Spider-Man 4 is released on 6 May 2011.

Black urge that spectators do not expect the wedding Mary Jane and Peter. In the previous films, this pair is nearly separated. Black even provides instructions on criminals that will be faced by the human spider this.

The producer said, criminals closely associated with New York City. This statement at once the rumor circulating in the virtual world that Morbius or Vampir Life (Tobey McGuire) who will be the opponent Spider.

In the previous film, Spiderman fight with the Green Goblin, Dr. Octopus, Venom, and Sandman. Black with a statement, the possibility of the characters is chosen New York criminal boss, Kingpin. Kingpin never appear in the film Daredevil.

Film critic Scott Mantz also holds, Kingpin to be the choice as the main opponent spidey. In addition, he hopes to have a woman character Black Cat, as part of Peter the relationship with Mary Jane. (

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Billions of Rupiah, ring For Member DPR(Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat)/Council Representatives Of The People

Jakarta: The staunch member of the Board of Representatives (DPR) the period of 2004-2009 will soon end. For decoration, the House of Representatives Secretariat allocates funds for the purchase of billions of rupiah ring and gold badge for the members of the council. Budget-which is called a reach Rp 5 billion is already regulated by the Domestic Affairs (Burt) House of Representatives.

"I think that the reasonable course, important but not the form of price appreciation and souvenir," said Alvin Lie, a member of the House of Representatives wing PAN. Democratic faction members Ervert Mangindaan statement also supports Alvin Lie. According to him, that the only souvenir or souvenirs. "We already hear get souvenir, but did not know of," he said.

When confirmed, the Secretary General of the DPR Nining Indra Saleh affirmed that the funds for the purchase of a gold ring that is already allocated. "To buy a ring does not equal the number, only Rp 1.9 billion," he said. According Nining, giving it as a form of thanks to the members of the board of the occupation period will expire on 30 September.

Topless, Britney Spears Tattoo Breast

LONDON, Singer Britney Spears concert to create upheaval in the fifth
at the O2 Arena, London, UK. Photos of Britney topless show or exhibit broad chest circulating on the internet.

Detikhot quotation from the Daily Mail, on Monday (8/6/2009), in the photo, Britney appears to hold the pole striptease. In some images, the mother of two children that look happy smile.

Intimate part of the chest Britney decorated with flower tattoos. However it still breast former wife Kevin Federline is clearly visible.

Britney topless action is performed when the video clip he syuting 'Gimme More' in 2007. It seems that is now circulating, it is the images in the background syuting video clip.

Make Up Tricks that look Young and Beautiful

Bulge age is natural process that must be faced by every human being. No one can avoid the process of becoming older that occurred over time. Including for women. With increasing age, the body's ability to decrease and also the impact on the face. Appear on the face wrinkling or skin that is not more elastic. But this does not mean you can not appear beautiful. make up or makeup is one solution. How?
Because of the tricks that make up right, you can disguise the signs that have become old so you can cover this shortfall. But before you make up your face, make sure that the cosmetics you use are still eligible to use or not expired.

What should be done during the make-up so you can look younger? Here are some steps that may apply when you make up your own face.

Toner and moisturizer
Before starting make up the face, start with a clean face and neck using the cleaning continued with the use toner and moisturizer. This is aimed so that the results make up your maximum.

Powder base (foundation)
Use a powder base (foundation) so that colors can go perfectly on your face. Select a color of foundation level higher than the color of your skin.

Use concealer to help disguise flek on the face or pimple used. Concealer can also be used to disguise the bag.

Brush and Spons
When using the powder, first use the brush next spons use to help smooth powder.

Select colors of eyeshadow that can help your face look fresh and young. Colors to choose from, among others, green, peach, purple, gold.

To the eye, so that the face does not look old, you should not use eyeliner. Or if you want to use them should not use too thick eyeliner and use a pencil-shaped.

Blush on
Should blush color on a natural color such as pink or peach color.

Lipgloss and lipstick
Choose a lipstick color the same as or one level higher than the color of lips. Avoid the lips with a color that contrasts too. Can also be added lipgloss lips look so fresh.

Eyebrow pencil
Trim your eyebrow with a brow lift out the hair and untidy menyisirnya so neat telihat. And to emphasize the form of eyebrow, eyebrow pencils select a dark brown rather than black, because black color will make the face look older.

Indeed, many beauty products that can make skin young and refine and make more beautiful. Products that are included in the body or used directly on your skin. However, with the appropriate use of cosmetics and make up tricks that right when you make up your face, you also can appear more beautiful and young.

History of Bali

History of Bali has been inhabited for a long time. Sembiran, a village in northern Bali, was believed to have been home to the people of the Ice Age, proven by the discovery of stone axes and adzes. Further discoveries of more sophisticated stone tools, agricultural techniques and basic pottery at Cekik in Bali's far west, point to the people of the Neolithic era. At Cekik, there is evidence of a settlement together with burial sites of around a hundred people thought to be from the Neolithic through to the Bronze Age. The massive drums of the Bronze Age, together with their stone moulds have been discovered throughout the Indonesian archipelago, including the most famous and largest drum in Southeast Asia, the Moon of Pejeng, nearly two meters wide, now housed in a temple in east Ubud. In East Java and Bali, there has also been a concentration of carved stone sarcophagi, which we can see in the Bali Museum in Denpasar and Purbakala Museum in Pejeng.

Bali was busy with trade from as early as 200 BC. The prasasti, or metal inscriptions, Bali's earliest written records from the ninth century AD, show a significant Buddhist and Hindu influence; especially in the statues, bronzes and rock-cut caves around Mount Kawi and Gajah Cave. Balinese society was pretty sophisticated by about 900 AD. Their marriage portrait of the Balinese King Udayana to East Java's Princess Mahendratta is captured in a stone carving in the Pura Korah Tegipan in the Batur area. Their son, Erlangga, born around 991 AD, later succeeded to the throne of the Javanese kingdom and brought Java and Bali together until his death in 1049.

Monday, June 8, 2009

FBI To Investigate Death Consecutive David Carradine

Controversy death actor David Carradine seems not stop until the evidence because masturbasi died, but the death of David is also making FBI joined hands down to investigate further.

FBI investigation was conducted after the family lawyer David suspected killed died clients care organizations themselves.

Before his death, actors aged 72 years to investigate the suicide of an organization that is not dark themselves reluctant to kill people, information is obtained from Mark Geragos, attorney David's brother, Keith Carradine.

According to Geragos, David is killed so that David will never be able penyelidikannya reveal it. To investigate this case, contact Mark for the FBI to help investigate the death of movie stars kung fu is the mysterious.

"David is still a death-related organizations avenge themselves on the organization. Suspicion is very large. The police should conduct the investigation from there," Mark said when interviewed on Larry King Live events, such as the dilansir from the AP on Monday (08/06/2009) .

FBI spokesman, Laura Eimilller, also provides a description of the press, that the FBI was on the FBI representative to contact the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok.

"FBI does not have yuridiksi law to investigate cases that occur outside the United States. But FBI could investigate the death of United States citizens or, if requested by the family which is a United States citizen," said Laura.

Not only the FBI to request assistance, but also the family David otopsi do with the private hire forensic experts noise, Dr. Michael Baden to help find evidence that the Jasad David. According to Geragos, otopsi full results will be out in three weeks after

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