Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Billions of Rupiah, ring For Member DPR(Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat)/Council Representatives Of The People

Jakarta: The staunch member of the Board of Representatives (DPR) the period of 2004-2009 will soon end. For decoration, the House of Representatives Secretariat allocates funds for the purchase of billions of rupiah ring and gold badge for the members of the council. Budget-which is called a reach Rp 5 billion is already regulated by the Domestic Affairs (Burt) House of Representatives.

"I think that the reasonable course, important but not the form of price appreciation and souvenir," said Alvin Lie, a member of the House of Representatives wing PAN. Democratic faction members Ervert Mangindaan statement also supports Alvin Lie. According to him, that the only souvenir or souvenirs. "We already hear get souvenir, but did not know of," he said.

When confirmed, the Secretary General of the DPR Nining Indra Saleh affirmed that the funds for the purchase of a gold ring that is already allocated. "To buy a ring does not equal the number, only Rp 1.9 billion," he said. According Nining, giving it as a form of thanks to the members of the board of the occupation period will expire on 30 September.

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