Monday, June 8, 2009

FBI To Investigate Death Consecutive David Carradine

Controversy death actor David Carradine seems not stop until the evidence because masturbasi died, but the death of David is also making FBI joined hands down to investigate further.

FBI investigation was conducted after the family lawyer David suspected killed died clients care organizations themselves.

Before his death, actors aged 72 years to investigate the suicide of an organization that is not dark themselves reluctant to kill people, information is obtained from Mark Geragos, attorney David's brother, Keith Carradine.

According to Geragos, David is killed so that David will never be able penyelidikannya reveal it. To investigate this case, contact Mark for the FBI to help investigate the death of movie stars kung fu is the mysterious.

"David is still a death-related organizations avenge themselves on the organization. Suspicion is very large. The police should conduct the investigation from there," Mark said when interviewed on Larry King Live events, such as the dilansir from the AP on Monday (08/06/2009) .

FBI spokesman, Laura Eimilller, also provides a description of the press, that the FBI was on the FBI representative to contact the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok.

"FBI does not have yuridiksi law to investigate cases that occur outside the United States. But FBI could investigate the death of United States citizens or, if requested by the family which is a United States citizen," said Laura.

Not only the FBI to request assistance, but also the family David otopsi do with the private hire forensic experts noise, Dr. Michael Baden to help find evidence that the Jasad David. According to Geragos, otopsi full results will be out in three weeks after

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