Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Make Up Tricks that look Young and Beautiful

Bulge age is natural process that must be faced by every human being. No one can avoid the process of becoming older that occurred over time. Including for women. With increasing age, the body's ability to decrease and also the impact on the face. Appear on the face wrinkling or skin that is not more elastic. But this does not mean you can not appear beautiful. make up or makeup is one solution. How?
Because of the tricks that make up right, you can disguise the signs that have become old so you can cover this shortfall. But before you make up your face, make sure that the cosmetics you use are still eligible to use or not expired.

What should be done during the make-up so you can look younger? Here are some steps that may apply when you make up your own face.

Toner and moisturizer
Before starting make up the face, start with a clean face and neck using the cleaning continued with the use toner and moisturizer. This is aimed so that the results make up your maximum.

Powder base (foundation)
Use a powder base (foundation) so that colors can go perfectly on your face. Select a color of foundation level higher than the color of your skin.

Use concealer to help disguise flek on the face or pimple used. Concealer can also be used to disguise the bag.

Brush and Spons
When using the powder, first use the brush next spons use to help smooth powder.

Select colors of eyeshadow that can help your face look fresh and young. Colors to choose from, among others, green, peach, purple, gold.

To the eye, so that the face does not look old, you should not use eyeliner. Or if you want to use them should not use too thick eyeliner and use a pencil-shaped.

Blush on
Should blush color on a natural color such as pink or peach color.

Lipgloss and lipstick
Choose a lipstick color the same as or one level higher than the color of lips. Avoid the lips with a color that contrasts too. Can also be added lipgloss lips look so fresh.

Eyebrow pencil
Trim your eyebrow with a brow lift out the hair and untidy menyisirnya so neat telihat. And to emphasize the form of eyebrow, eyebrow pencils select a dark brown rather than black, because black color will make the face look older.

Indeed, many beauty products that can make skin young and refine and make more beautiful. Products that are included in the body or used directly on your skin. However, with the appropriate use of cosmetics and make up tricks that right when you make up your face, you also can appear more beautiful and young.

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