Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Crater Darajat

kawah darajat garut kawah darajat

Physical Environment

Darajat crater is located in the Village Padaawas, District Pasirwangi. This tourism object has a form of attraction that results in a crater steam and hot concoction of natural form of mountains and plantations. Visitors who come to the area can make a crater Darajat activity tracking tour, enjoy the research and volcanoes. Darajat crater at this time is managed by PT. Amoseas the cooperation with PT. Pertamina. the status of land ownership by PT Perhutani. Darajat whole wide crater is about 40 Ha, and visitors who want to make a tour event must have permission from the Amoseas. License dibertakukan this area because this area is the industrial and natural gas are also hazards.

The administrative boundaries of this area are:

North: Village Padaawas
West: Regions reserve
South: Village Sarimukti
East: Village Padaawas

In environmental quality can be seen from the level of cleanliness and the very nature Bentang awake. For the size of a industrial area Darajat this crater are clean, do not waste, pollution and vandalism.

Special aspects

Darajat craters are part of the line mountain Papandayan number of craters with 2 active and 24 fruit steam wells used by the parties as energy Amoseas Power Steam Power (PLTU). Average height of this crater is 1,920 meters above sea level, with the general configuration of hilly land and benembah.
Facilities that support tourism activities in this area is
- Valet parking, located on the front page PT.Amoseas main building with a capacity 20 car.
- Entrance to the conditions that are sufficient to maintain industrial PT Amoseas simultaneously to control the incoming visitor.
Direction sign
- Service information available in each guard post with the conditions and services that adequately.

To pay a visit to the crater Darajat can use. private cars or vehicles with a common route Tarogong - Pasirwangi with the cost of Rp 3000/orang. Road access is there in the area has a wide crater Drajat? 5m and the length of the road? 3 Km.

The paths to the crater has a 100 m long and 1 m. wide road

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