Tuesday, July 21, 2009

White Lake ( Talaga Bodas ) Tourism In Garut West Java

Natural Physical Environment

TWA crater area Talaga Bodas has knowledgeable 23.85 ha and is located at an altitude of 1512 m above sea level. Tourism is a natural garden tour with the white water.
Stability of land and water resources absorption region are classified. Environmental conditions crater Talaga Bodas quite well with the cleanliness and natural Bentang classified properly, there is not evident from the pollution of water, soil, air and waste, there are still only just vandalism done by the visitors.
Quoting from the administrative area of craters Talaga Bodas is as follows:
North: Village Sukaurip
West: Village Sindang Mekar
South: Village Tenjo Nagara
East: Village Tenjo Nagara
TWA area Talaga Bodas crater is 8 km from the capital district Wananraja? 20 km from the city of Garut, and 83 km from Bandung. This area is managed by the West Java BKSDA ll Minister based on the Decree No: 98 / KPTS / UM / 1978, with the status of land ownership by the Ministry of Forestry.
Visitors to the dating TWA usually do aktuvitas tour tracking, hiking, photography, picnic, or just roads and only refresing

Special aspects

Facilities available in the area and the entrance is 1 post and 2 fruit selter. Worship facilities in the village there are only Sukamanak. In the area of Natural Park Talaga Bodas crater there is no accommodation facilities. Accommodation facilities that can be an alternative is to stay Researcher Sari, Jl. Raya Wanaraja No 1.


Aksebilitas the path consists of ODTW road with a fairly good road class district. To reach the location of TWA can use this means of transportation is road access through the city with a transportation route: Garut-Cibatu, Garut-Cikelet, Guntur-Sukawening terminal, and the terminal Guntur Perumnas Cempaka Indah, or can also take the traditional form of transport and delman motorcycles at the end of the access road entrance. The visitors generally reach a location by bringing the two-wheeled vehicles (motorcycles).

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