Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Paraglaiding Mount Haruman

Tourism object and appeal of sports Paraglading Mount Haruman is located in the Village Haruman Sari, Kecamatan Kadungora, Kabupaten Garut, West Java. The status of land ownership that is used to Paraglaiding public land that is still not managed specifically. Mount Haruman have too high approximately 1300 m above sea level and the mountain is not a type of volcano. Configuration common to the montane area is quite steep slope of the land resources of the reserve land, land satabilitas both types of material and land in general rock sand. Haruman this mountain is an object that is used for sports Paraglaiding for those lovers of gliding.

The basis used for gliding have a wide 40 x 15 m2 with a layer of surface soil grass with a slope of the sloping land. To make a sports gliding, each visitor usually bring their own equipment, this is because there is no special management is not available so that the necessary equipment.
To reach the area gliding Mount Haruman we can through road Garut? Bandung District Kadungora the past. District of Kadungora can use private vehicles or ojeg (motor cycle)toward Haruman Sari Village. The distance from the adopted District Kadungora toward Haruman Sari village is approximately 15 km with 2-4 m wide road that has the quality of the road less. While the basis for the gliding of the Village Haruman Sari 7-8 km distance, which usually use the visitors car jeep or the like, this is caused by a road that is damaged so it was not possible to be passed by a car than jeep.

Tourism activities that can be done in this area is gliding, traking, enjoy the scenery and photography. Visitors to the dating of Mount Haruman came from Jakarta, Central Java East Java dam. And foreign visitors come from Singapore, the Netherlands, Korea and the United States who want to do sports Paraglaiding.

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