Friday, July 17, 2009

why Terrorists bomb the JW Marriott & Ritz Carlton?

Hotel JW Marriott and The Ritz Carlton Kuningan, Jakarta, became a terror target of action before Friday morning. This is the second incident for JW Marriott.

Why terrorist Bomb second place?

"The hotel is a large hotel that has branches in all continents. By default, this will be a debate all over the world," said the intelligence observer AC Manulang Friday (17/7/2009).

Manulang holds, the effort is made to show the existence terrorist. First, go Manulang, this action is done for the United States against liberalism. "He wanted to tindakanya become the main communication and discussion," he said.

As known, JW Marriott Hotel has become a victim twice terror action. Before this incident, the hotel is often used as a place that stayed WNA also explode back in 2003 and killed some people.

Meanwhile, The Ritz Carlton is a hotel which has branches in several countries. In the near future, the hotel also will be the place overnight Mancester United soccer team when the visit to Indonesia for the rivalry of friendship with Indonesia's National Team.

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