Wednesday, July 22, 2009

the Mount / Papapndayan crater

Object and appeal the Mount / Papapndayan crater is located in the Village of Sirna Jaya and Village Kerapatan Wangi, Cisurupan District, Garut, West Java. The manager object is BKSDA Jabar II. While the ownership status of the land occupied by the Department of Forestry.

Area as a whole object is 7132 ha, consisting of a Nature Reserve with an area of 6807 Ha and Park Nature 225 Ha. The type of this mountain is a type of volcano that has a height of 2622 m above sea level. While the number of craters Papandayan this there are many active craters, the crater of which there are 4 that burst in 2002 the new crater, crater crater Nagklat and 2002 (2).

Limit the administrative area and the North District of the Village Pasirwangi and Kepakan, western Bandung District, South District Bungbulang and east District Cisurupan. Natural boundary of Mount Papandayan namely North, West and South Regions east is Perum Perhutani as production forest.

From this area to Capital City District Cisurupan is 9 km from the capital of Garut Regency is 24 km from the capital of Province is 84 km, from Airport Air Husen Sastranegara distance of 84 km, from the Sea Port of Santolo Beach (Pameungpeuk) 80 km, from the terminal bus / angkot Guntur is 24, from the train station Cibatu distance of 64 km and from the accommodation in the nearest Bayongbong distance of 16 km canal that is lodging Sari.

Topography of Mount Papandayan in the height of 2170 m above sea level with the general configuration of land montane, rolling, plains and valleys. Slope of land that is steep in the Nature Reserve, on the sloping Nature Park (TWA) and quite steep in the Nature Reserve and the TWA and the stability of both the land is located in the Mount Papandayan. Type of material land is mountainous land.

Solar radiation is average and there are seasonal influences, in the dry season forest fires occur frequently. Environmental conditions as this area follows kulaitas environment, hygiene / sanitation and natural Bentang good. Mount Papandayan no air pollution and water pollution, while pollution is the smell coming from the sulfur in the TWA. While for the pollution comes from waste is waste visitor and vandalism in this area who have come from ulah visitors.

Papandayan in kiosks that have amounted to 10 units, located in the entrance (ticket counters) the broad area along the parking lot is 1 fruit took souvenir stalls in between it. Place parking have broad 1 ha is located near the entrance to the load bus 100, 200 cars and motorcycles are very many in number. Condition good parking place, the surface layer of asphalt, soil, grass and vegetation krikil with peneduhnya enough. There is 1 fruit public toilets with hygiene / sanitation, adequate and sufficient condition of the building. There is a shelter with the hygiene / sanitation, adequate and sufficient condition. Trash have 3 units located in the nearby parking lot with adequate conditions in the waste basket. Earth camp have 2 pieces, the Pondok Salada is 3 km from the entrance to the top with a 2 Ha and Camp David is located in the rear parkiran with a 1? Ha. On earth available camp facilities and camp fire field ceremony. Water at Camp David and TWA have not explode due to the mountain while in Pondok Salada River Cisalada there is in the form of springs. Cleanliness levels and conditions in the camp of Mount Papandayan enough.

Interpretation center is the fruit with 1-level cleanliness and good condition, located in the guard post or counter. There is a color guard post that also work with the guard post sebgai level of cleanliness and good condition.

Accessibilty in this area include road from Garut? Pameungpeuk type of road with the Province 80 km long and 6m wide with adequate conditions, including access roads in the District Cisurupan type of road? TWA along 9 km and 5 km wide with the quality of roads and paths enough from the parking lot to the crater along the 1 km wide and varied with the condition of the road is less a result of landslides. Type of public transportation such as bus tour (not schedule), there is a special angkot charteran not directly (not terjadawl) traditional transportation (pick up) from the crater and Cisurupan to ojeg with the same route. Rates are valid from Cisurupan to TWA for ojeg Rp. 6000, - per person and Rp traditional transportation. 3000, - per person.

Attraction of Mount Papandayan the main form of craters, panorama, mountain and camp, all of this can be done in the TWA Power pull potential there is in the form of forest Nature Reserve (CA) that is specific to the research and education (ITB's routine is done every year) and plantations are located in a garden area outside the property PTPN8 Sedep, Bandung.

Summary of main can be done, namely traking, hiking, photography and all the forest recreation can be done in the TWA. While the activity is research penunjangnya fauna and flora in the CA and to picnic and camping can be done in the TWA.

TWA has a flora that is the dominant Kiteke while Suwagi and fauna that is the dominant wild pigs and birds. In CA is the dominant flora Hiur, Puspa, yippee Place, Saninten, while Sega Jamaju and fauna for the dominant wild pigs, birds, and the spotted tiger beetle. For TWA, wild pigs are dangerous animals and for CA in the form of tiger beetle and the spotted. Rare flora in the CA Saninten and fauna for the deer, eagle, and Lutung and Surili. Conservation activities animals and plants is done in CA.

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