Saturday, July 18, 2009

Seven foreign citizens Victims Bomb JW Marriott Hotel Log In Space Otopsi

Seven foreign nationals corpse explosion victim JW Marriott Hotel bombing brought to the Central Police Hospital in Kramatjati, East Jakarta, Jumat (17 / 7). Five ambulance carrying several bags, the corpses otopsi space, where there are four of them remains foreign citizens. One other car carrying the body serpihan destroyed due to the explosion.

After Friday prayers, re-entry three bones foreign citizens space otopsi. Among the seven dead bodies, there is the president director of PT Holcim Indonesia, Timothy David McKay. One more dead body is identified Nathan Verity Watson, foreign citizens Australia home. Victim worked as a labor pengerah services. According to colleagues of the victim, Nathan often came to the JW Marriott on Friday to meet fellow colleagues Australians [read: Holcim Indonesia Presdir Be Victims killed.

There is speculation that his corpse bombardment of suspected perpetrators not brought to full participate hospital police. The hospital police are seen carrying bags containing corpses discount human body.

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