Monday, July 20, 2009

Lake Bagendit



Natural Physical Environment
Situ Bagendit tourism object is located in the village Bagendit, District Banyuresmi this tourism object is a natural form of the lake with the northern administrative boundary with the adjacent village Banyuresmi, on the southern boundary with the Village Cipicung, the eastern boundary with the Village Binakarya, and the western boundary with the Village Sukamukti.

Tourism activities that can be done in Situ Bagendit are enjoying the scenery, set the lake using the boat or raft. The visitor can also make family recreational activities, enjoy the scenery and the cycling of water activities.

Tourism object is managed by Mr. Ajan Sobari with the ownership status is in the hands of local governments to be the authority, Tourism and Culture Department Garut regency and the private sector, namely, Mr. adang Kurnia. Based on the regulation no. 11 2001 ticket price to enter this area Rp. 1.000/orang for adults and Rp. 500/orang for children.

Special aspects
Objects and natural tourist attractions in Situ Bagendit have the quality of the environment, hygiene and natural Bentang in good condition. Buildings located in the area, either permanent or semi-permanent, in good condition . In this area there is a waste of vandalism and graffiti in the form of buildings and trees. Visabilitas in this area are few, the noise level and there are signs for advertising.

Facilities available in this area that is 60 rental duplex units with rates Rp.25.000/15 minutes, 11 units with a bicycle water price Rp.10.000/15 minutes in good conditions. There are also some garden benches and 6 units rented to shelter the visitor with a price Rp.3.000/jam. There are also mini-train with Rp.2.000 rates and swimming pool in Situ Bagendit this. The atmosphere in the area of tourism object is classified as the development is quite comfortable with the already planned by the office of tourism, but still, there are kiosks and wild cadger vain that the merchandise so that they visabilitas level in the area has become a little.Objeck and tourist attraction there Bagendit operates at 07.00-17.00. The condition of the building located in this area in good condition with a permanent type of building materials and semi-permanent layout in a relatively good development in the area due Situ Bagendit already planned this well. in object and tourist attractions in Situ Bagendit this environmental quality, hygiene and Bentang natural conditions in this area there are waste pollution and graffiti vandalism in the form of buildings and trees caused by touris.Visabilitas in this area are few, the noise level and there are few signs the ad.

Source of power in this area comes from the PLN with voltage 220 volt and the adequate distribution. Water resources in this area comes from wells and taps with the quality of water that is clean, fresh water taste, odor and water that is normal. Sometimes there are obstacles in the water area Situ Bagendit the dry season when the water around. Waste disposal system in this area through the septic tank, and drain through the irrigation system. Situ Bagendit tourist area also has a communication system telephone in amount inadequate. There is also a way in Situ Bagendit this long? B 50m. in front of the area Situ Bagendit there is a parking lot with an area of 1400 m2 with the capacity 30 rooms, 60 private vehicles and 180 vehicles in reasonably good condition with a surface layer of soil, but vegetation peneduhnya inadequate. There is a ticket to the post also serves as the entrance in the condition that enough good. also a condition of public toilets in the building and adequate sanitation. in this play there is a garden with vegetation and in adequate condition. There is a place of worship Mushola and there are 10 fruit in trash tour Situ Bagendit.

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